Hitchin Advertising

Hitchin Advertising, a partnership of landowners, wishes to address the presence of two red billboards owned by Oberon Public on our site near Hitchin train station.

Oberon Public, a company registered in Dublin, has no authorization to maintain these billboards on private land in Hitchin. Despite this, they continue to lease the space to Billboard Media. While the advertisements displayed on Oberon Public’s billboards have remained unaltered, the four billboards managed by Hitchin Advertising have been subjected to vandalism, with each of the advertisements being deliberately damaged, as shown below. The criminal damage has been reported to the police for further investigation. Unfortunately, the sight of these defaced billboards has marred the festive spirit for thousands of commuters and passersby. Hitchin Advertising is committed to replacing the damaged advertisements promptly and removing any unauthorized structures from the site in 2025. We would like to extend our best wishes for a prosperous 2025 to our customers and supporters. If You have any information about the damage caused to the above billboards, please contact Hitchin Advertising or Hertfordshire Police quoting crime reference number 41/108635/24

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email: hello@hitchinadvertising.co.uk